Yvette Salinas was born and raised in Southern California. She holds a Bachelor of Theological Studies from Vision International University and is a graduate of Good Shepherd Ministries International School of Ministry and Cottonwood Christian Center School of Ministry. She founded the faith-based outreach Juicy Fruits Ministry and dedicates itself to strengthening and supporting families through biblical-inspired mentoring, support group meetings, and personal counsel. Collaborating with other nonprofit organizations to help support families who need assistance, such as food drive donations, first aid supplies, clothing, education, healthy family ministries, recreational programs, and officiating services.

Yvette Salinas is a 30-year survivor of lupus SLE, Thyroid Cancer, and Kidney Nephritis. Her story, Faith Leads the Way, printed in 2016 by Square Tree Publishing, features personal experiences of overcoming the effects and challenges of lupus SLE, Chronic Illness, and Financial Crisis. Yvette lives her life of Faith with Christ as she overcomes chronic illness. A fearless advocate who lives a life of service to others passionately follows God's direction while extending friendship, love, and help to many over the decades with her husband, Dan, and family. Yvette is dynamic. Read and gift her inspirational, survival, and personal story, "Faith Leads The Way. Profits and proceeds from her book help to support the mission of Juicy Fruits Ministry, 501(c)(3), to help those struggling to make ends meet to help end the cycle of medical bankruptcy, food, and housing insecurities. Give the ultimate gift of encouragement year-round. Grab a book from Yvette's Bookstore on our website.

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