Spiritual Medicine Community - Act of Love Grant Awards Recipients
I often say that I am the most blessed person you will ever meet. But I S-T-R-U-G-G-L-E. Serious, scary challenges. There is no way to fully express my gratitude to Spiritual Medicine, Wanda, Yvette, and all the other members. Standing beside me. Holding me up. Helping me out. Life-altering care. Life-altering love. A safe harbor. signed Spiritual Medicine participant Acts of Love recipient
Our family has been extremely blessed and helped with medical equipment, holiday groceries, and assistance with medical directive forms. Happy to be a part of kindness in action with Spiritual Medicine. Yvette, Wanda, and Pastor Larry are true angels! Thanks from our hearts! Act of Love recipient
"1st and foremost I want to thank you for giving me this blessing and open door to ask for help. So by having this opportunity I'm grateful to know and feel that I'm not alone. As we all know I was Diagnosed with Lupus, fibromyalgia and neuropathy September 29th 2020. I already had 2 surgeries, one to remove cancer cells and the other was to put a IVC FILTER below my Heart and Lungs to prevent other blood clots. I'm in need of help with utilities and paying for my medical. Again I want to say thank you for the opportunity and the support." Kira
"As a mother of 5 children, 4 of which are currently residing with me, I have been faced with the diagnosis of Lupus SLE in 2018. Prior to that I suffered with seizures, several TIA’s extreme fatigue, pain from head to toe, the inability to walk without a rapid heartrate which pierces my chest. I actually experienced a period of 1 year where I could not speak without a seizure happening. During that time from 2014 to present we are homeless while unknowingly dealing with this dis-ease. My youngest daughter, at the age of 10 yrs. old was a care taker for me while her 2 older siblings were trying to complete high school. My health took a turn for the worst and my health was still unexplained. Right now, my children continue to be my caretakers. Hygiene, preparing meals, mobilization, scheduling appointments and medications. I also cannot drive due to this dis-ease. My family has endured so much in these recent years but we are hopeful and grateful for every obstacle. Every test has a testimony and thankfully we share our testimony to help others. Encourage the hopeless and we are learning how to survive this dis-ease. Praise God, Thank you so much. We are so grateful! Thank you sister! Happy Holidays." J Smith
"Right now I am dealing with the fluid around my heart and It’s been hard dealing with this and being off from work for the past four months. And now my doctor told me on December 16th that the fluid hasn’t decreased and I have to go through another procedure to drain the fluid from around my heart and they have to poke a hole from the sac around my heart. This really is stressing me out and making my life hard. Thank you so much, I appreciate this from the bottom of my heart and Merry Christmas to you too. I hope you have a great Christmas and be safe." Tony
Juicy Fruits Ministry Testimonials
“I met Yvette at a very difficult time in my life. My faith had been shaken as I was struggling with an autoimmune disorder and my two-year-old son had just been diagnosed with autism. The Lord knew I needed a godly woman to encourage me and walk with me through this time in my life. She helped me with the process of getting my son the help he needed within the school district. And as I struggled with illness and depression, Yvette came alongside me, prayed with me and encouraged me. Her faith was incredible and although I knew the Lord at the time, religion had distorted my view of Him. Her relationship with Jesus inspired me to pursue Christ and trust Him to see me though the difficult seasons in my life, to take hold of God’s promises and just believe in the impossible. No matter what the doctor says, or your bank statement reads, or how a friends hurts you, I have learned through Yvette that God is good and He will always be there as your healer, your provider, and the lover of your soul. It has now been twenty years that we have been friends and nothing has changed. We have walked through many seasons together and neither time nor distance has changed Yvette’s commitment to encourage me and others in their faith. I am so incredibly blessed to call her my friend!” - Debbie
“Our lives all come with a purpose that is hard to discover when being away from God. Yvette came into my life when I was a young man searching for answers and little by little she helped make it possible for me to see that purpose. Yvette planted a seed that eventually started to flourish. Seeing that no matter how many times she has fallen, with a positive mindset and a strong faith she showed that it is possible to face any situation with the Lord. You are and will always be my angel fallen from the sky.”- Julio
“Yvette is a special person and has been in my life for several years. We met in the 8th grade and quickly became close friends. Since then, she has been an inspiration to me. I’ve witnessed her go through so many medical procedures and surgeries, at times confiding in me her struggles and expressing how tired she was - wishing it would all stop - yet she never gave up. She told me about a time she laid in her hospital bed crying out to the Lord. It was then God revealed her guardian Angel to her. That brought her comfort, knowing God was there and sent a protector, so that no one (not even the Enemy) could touch her nor bring her harm. No words could describe this angelic figure, but what an awesome experience. Through all of her trials, Yvette’s light always shined. During this time, she attended Bible College (obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology), started the women’s ministry, Juicy Fruits, and became a business partner with the dance troop Paso De Oro. Her story is her life experience, the struggle, the pain, but most of all becoming an overcomer. Yvette’s a remarkable woman, my confidant, sister in Christ, my best friend.”- Mary
"Ms. Yvette is the epitome of a Christian. Since I have known her, her life has been challenge after challenge, not just with her own health, but that of her family. Her Husband and children alike have been afflicted by health disparities. Yvette has never questioned the Lord during these trying times, on the contrary - in the mist of her challenges she found the time to help me and my family through our challenging times, which fade in comparison to hers. She has always been there to guide and counsel us with not only words of wisdom but as an example. Her faith in the Lord is like no other. She is truly an inspiration, proof that when you walk with God, He picks you up and carries you in your toughest times in life. Yvette has been in the center of the storm on her journey with the Lord, and He has seen her through.”- Rita
"I've always had faith in the Lord, but it wasn't until I met Ms. Yvette and knew her story that I witnessed and experienced just how powerful God’s love is. There was no doubt that I met Ms. Yvette for a reason and she continues to be one of the most influential people in my heart and in my faith. Her life experiences with love, health, family and work were all things that spoke directly to my life. During a very difficult time in my young adult life, God brought Ms. Yvette close to me to help build me up in order to face life and become stronger. I had never been in such a low point, suffering loss after loss; I didn't even have the strength to even get out of bed! Ms. Yvette's housing situation brought her literally across the street from me and every day she called me and invited me over for breakfast, Bible study and to just talk about life. She took me to church where I felt overwhelming love. Slowly but surely I got stronger each day and I regained hope for my life and its purpose. She and her family became an extended branch of my own family. God kept her near me long enough to make me strong again and give me every reason to follow what the Lord was putting in my heart. God used Ms. Yvette and her story, her strength, her love, and mostly her faith to build me up and make me strong and for that I will always be grateful. I believe that I am the woman I am today because of that period in my life. I learned to trust God in everything that I do, knowing He will ALWAYS direct my path. Thank you for being who you are, Ms. Yvette. Congratulations on all your success and may God continue to bless you. I love you!” - Erica
“My dear friend Yvette, no matter the distance between us my heart knows I have a forever friend in you! Your warm and positive attitude makes you a joy to be around. When I lived in California, thirty years ago, you became like family to me. Always there for me in the good times and some very lonely times. Being 2,000 miles away from family was not always easy. You opened your heart to me in so many ways. I admire how you always find the good and hope in the most difficult situations. You taught me to never give up no matter what and to know life is always worth living. Your open heart and willingness to help everyone attracts people to you and reveals Jesus Christ living in you. My life is better because you have been in it. You will always be like a sister to me. I cherish every moment spent with you.”- Melanie
“Since the age of eight, the most inspirational woman in my life has been Yvette Salinas. During the most testing times in my life, her nurturing guidance to me was heaven sent. Even though she went through her own struggles with health, she never let it get her down and instead always had open arms and an open heart to those who were hurting, and the joy of the Lord's light shined through with just her smile. Being a friend of Cassandra, Yvette's daughter, I was always tagging along as if I was part of the family. As a young girl she taught me about God's love, how to pray and the strength God gives us to surpass all we go through in life and how to accept Him in our heart. Little did I know my life was soon to be flipped upside down and one of my life's most difficult tests was soon to come. In the year 2004, when I was sixteen-years-old, my father passed away. The first person I called was Mrs. Yvette; she prayed and checked on me often. But as time passed, my father’s passing hit us all so strongly, my family began to fall apart. My mom was lost in her own distractions, and began to fade away and my brothers and I were taken away to foster care. For months this heartache felt as if we had lost both our parents at the same time! I began to be rebellious to the point of starving myself. I was so unhappy! My faith had dwindled. I would see Mrs. Yvette at dance practice and she would see me down and sad and I would cry to her; I didn't understand why God was doing this to us. She would tell me God would see me through; keep praying; don’t lose faith. One day I got a call and it was Mrs. Yvette, she was going to take me in to live with her. It was one of the biggest blessings of my life! Once I moved in with her family I felt at home. I felt loved and never once did I feel like an outcast. The Salinas family was my answered prayer. Faith, daily prayer, church and most importantly God’s love became my life and filled the void I had in my heart. She helped me focus on positivity and helped me strive to get through high school so I could meet my goal to graduate. Till this day I call her my Godmother because she was sent to me from God when I needed her the most. Never did she bad talk my own mother but taught me to forgive and love my mom again. Today I am a mother and many of her lessons and teachings about faith in God carry on in raising my own son. I will forever be genuinely thankful to God for Yvette and the Salinas family for everything they have done for me.” Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before people in such a way that they will see your good actions and glorify your Father in heaven.” - Sadie