Welcome to Spiritual Medicine! We're so happy you found us! Our name sounded curious to you. Yes, we are a hybrid group offering a faith and support-based approach. We see God's word as "spiritual medicine." However, we want everyone to take and follow the advice and care of your medical teams. Take your medicine! We are a part of a nonprofit and peer-based support community that gives non-medical advice. You can take a breath and freely share your faith, experiences, and vulnerabilities, or listen and more in our virtual Zoom support groups or on our private Facebook. Juicy Fruits Ministry 501(c)(3), a nonprofit organization, fully sponsors the Spiritual Medicine Bible-Based support group via Zoom. Join us as we discuss relevant topics and share our faith and experiences, whether good, bad, or complex. All love. All compassion. No shaming. Faith gives us hope, strength, and comfort as we walk through our healing process. Spiritual Medicine Support Groups are transparent as we share difficulties and explore biblical guidance through scriptures, worship, and prayer to encourage us daily to move forward. We invite you to share this time with us. Register below for your private Zoom link. (Please note dates are subject to change due to health challenges)

Spiritual Medicine Support Group - Biblical Inspiration for Life  We open our arms to those longing for a space to express their faith and love of Christ as they manage, navigate, and cope with chronic illness. Jesus heals. We boldly encourage you to ask for prayer and support. We offer support filled with love, hope, and resources for chronically ill patients, whether they are families or individuals, caregivers, or friends. Come and be a part of this thriving and hope-filled community.


Partner with Us, Be the Difference. Be the Gift. According to the CDC, the leading causes of death and disability are leading drivers of the nation's $3.8 Trillion in annual healthcare costs for chronic diseases. Six out of ten adults have multiple chronic conditions. We fall into this range and live with the hardships. Spiritual support is the lifeline for individuals and families holding on to a thread. The reality of lack, disparities, access to care, and outrageous costs hit home. We want to offer support and resources that chronically ill patients need. We appreciate that JFM partners like you are considering giving to alleviate unmet medical, basic living, food insecurity, Wi-Fi access, student supplies, and to aid in success while learning. We also offer weddings, dedications, and funeral services to those without pastoral care. Yes, we are a full-service non-profit community. We're happy, grateful, and ecstatic for any amount you can give. It will put a smile on the faces of the people we assist. Charitable donations can be given at any time. Consider a monthly, one-time, quarterly, or annual contribution.  Your contribution is 100% tax deductible. Thank you, and Bless you!

Thank you, LORD, for giving us this precious opportunity to share faith, hope, and love with prayers for those seeking spiritual peace during life's many challenges. We are respectfully honored to support the chronic illness communities through the Spiritual Medicine Support Group. "All Glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, since childhood, I have desired to share a Legacy of "Faith Leads The Way."