The Power of Gratitude

Johns Hopkins Medicine | Wellness Weekly Issue 12

Gratitude can have a dramatic and lasting effect on our lives. A study showed that practicing gratitude can lower blood pressure, improve immune function and that grateful people tend to follow healthier behaviors, like exercising regularly, eating healthier and are even better at medication adherence. Consciously making a habit of being thankful whether by practicing gratitude or small acts of kindness allows you to look at the positive things that happens throughout the day; even when negative emotions surround us. It can help your mood, sleep and feel less fatigue. Noticing and appreciating the positive aspects of your life by practicing these skills, helps our well-being, builds relationships, and creates strong communities.

“Showing gratitude is one of the simplest, yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.” 

Tips to start practicing gratitude: Accept your feelings. It is difficult to be grateful during these times, and this is OK. Do not force it. Give yourself space to accept your conflicting emotions. Think of one positive moment you had today, and it can be as easy as enjoying a hot cup of coffee or holding the door for someone.

Keep it simple: Think of the small, good things that occur throughout the day to place a smile on your face. It could be finding a good parking spot or enjoying a five-minute conversation with a friend or colleague.

Remember the good times: Think back to a positive experience you shared. Share this positive moment with a friend or colleague. Reflect on how this makes you feel. Place a picture out of a fun experience you had as constant reminder of good times.

Closing Quote “Be a rainbow in somebody else’s cloud.” Maya Angelou